initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ChannelOpenFailure","Reason for not being able to open a channel."],["Disconnect","A reason for disconnection."],["Error",""],["Pty",""],["Sig","The type of signals that can be sent to a remote process. If you plan to use custom signals, read the RFC to understand the encoding."]],"fn":[["load_public_key","Load a public key from a file. Only ed25519 keys are currently supported."],["load_secret_key","Load a secret key from a file. Only ed25519 keys are currently supported."],["parse_public_key","Reads a public key from the standard encoding. In some cases, the encoding is prefixed with a key type identifier and a space (such as `ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N...`)."]],"mod":[["auth",""],["client",""],["key","Key generation and use."],["server",""]],"struct":[["CryptoBuf","A buffer which zeroes its memory on `.clear()`, `.truncate()` and reallocations, to avoid copying secrets around."],["Limits","The number of bytes read/written, and the number of seconds before a key re-exchange is requested."],["Preferred","Lists of preferred algorithms. This is normally hard-coded into implementations."]],"trait":[["Client",""],["Server",""]]});