Module three_d::core::prelude

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Basic types used throughout this crate, mostly basic math.


  • A bounding box that aligns with the x, y and z axes.
  • An angle, in degrees.
  • A 2 x 2, column major matrix
  • A 3 x 3, column major matrix
  • A 4 x 4, column major matrix
  • A point in 2-dimensional space.
  • A point in 3-dimensional space.
  • A quaternion in scalar/vector form.
  • An angle, in radians.
  • Represents a color composed of a red, green and blue component in the sRGB color space. In addition, the alpha value determines the how transparent the color is (0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque).
  • A 2-dimensional vector.
  • A 3-dimensional vector.
  • A 4-dimensional vector.
  • A 16-bit floating point type implementing the IEEE 754-2008 standard binary16 a.k.a “half” format.


  • Angles and their associated trigonometric functions.
  • Points in a Euclidean space with an associated space of displacement vectors.
  • Vectors that also have a dot (or inner) product.
  • A column-major matrix of arbitrary dimensions.
  • A type with a distance function between values.
  • Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self.
  • A trait for a generic rotation. A rotation is a transformation that creates a circular motion, and preserves at least one point in the space.
  • A two-dimensional rotation.
  • A three-dimensional rotation.
  • A column-major major matrix where the rows and column vectors are of the same dimensions.
  • A trait representing an affine transformation that can be applied to points or vectors. An affine transformation is one which
  • Vectors that can be added together and multiplied by scalars.
  • Defines an additive identity element for Self.


  • Constructs a an angle in degrees.
  • Dot product of two vectors.
  • Create a perspective matrix from a view frustum.
  • Create an orthographic projection matrix.
  • Create a perspective projection matrix.
  • Constructs a an angle in radians.
  • Constructs a rotation matrix that rotates from the source direction to the target direction.
  • The short constructor.
  • The short constructor.
  • The short constructor.

Type Aliases§