[][src]Trait thirtyfour::sync::prelude::WebDriverCommands

pub trait WebDriverCommands {
    fn cmd(&self, command: Command) -> WebDriverResult<Value>;
fn session(&self) -> WebDriverSession; fn close(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn get<S: Into<String>>(&self, url: S) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn current_url(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String> { ... }
fn page_source(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String> { ... }
fn title(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String> { ... }
fn find_element(&self, by: By) -> WebDriverResult<WebElement> { ... }
fn find_elements(&self, by: By) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<WebElement>> { ... }
fn execute_script(&self, script: &str) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync> { ... }
fn execute_script_with_args(
        script: &str,
        args: &ScriptArgs
    ) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync> { ... }
fn execute_async_script(
        script: &str
    ) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync> { ... }
fn execute_async_script_with_args(
        script: &str,
        args: &ScriptArgs
    ) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync> { ... }
fn current_window_handle(&self) -> WebDriverResult<WindowHandle> { ... }
fn window_handles(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<WindowHandle>> { ... }
fn maximize_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn minimize_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn fullscreen_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn get_window_rect(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Rect> { ... }
fn set_window_rect(&self, rect: OptionRect) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn back(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn forward(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn refresh(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn get_timeouts(&self) -> WebDriverResult<TimeoutConfiguration> { ... }
fn set_timeouts(
        timeouts: TimeoutConfiguration
    ) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn implicitly_wait(&self, time_to_wait: Duration) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn set_script_timeout(&self, time_to_wait: Duration) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn set_page_load_timeout(
        time_to_wait: Duration
    ) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn action_chain(&self) -> ActionChain { ... }
fn get_cookies(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<Cookie>> { ... }
fn get_cookie(&self, name: &str) -> WebDriverResult<Cookie> { ... }
fn delete_cookie(&self, name: &str) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn delete_all_cookies(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn add_cookie(&self, cookie: Cookie) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn screenshot_as_base64(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String> { ... }
fn screenshot_as_png(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<u8>> { ... }
fn screenshot(&self, path: &Path) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... }
fn switch_to(&self) -> SwitchTo { ... }
fn set_window_name(&self, window_name: &str) -> WebDriverResult<()> { ... } }

All browser-level W3C WebDriver commands are implemented under this trait.

Required methods

fn cmd(&self, command: Command) -> WebDriverResult<Value>

Convenience wrapper for running WebDriver commands.

fn session(&self) -> WebDriverSession

Get the current session and http.

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Provided methods

fn close(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Close the current window.

fn get<S: Into<String>>(&self, url: S) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Navigate to the specified URL.

fn current_url(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String>

Get the current URL as a String.

fn page_source(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String>

Get the page source as a String.

fn title(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String>

Get the page title as a String.

fn find_element(&self, by: By) -> WebDriverResult<WebElement>

Search for an element on the current page using the specified selector.


let elem_text = driver.find_element(By::Name("input1"))?;
let elem_button = driver.find_element(By::Id("button-set"))?;
let elem_result = driver.find_element(By::Name("input-result"))?;

fn find_elements(&self, by: By) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<WebElement>>

Search for all elements on the current page that match the specified selector.


let elems = driver.find_elements(By::ClassName("section"))?;
for elem in elems {

fn execute_script(&self, script: &str) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync>

Execute the specified Javascript synchronously and return the result.


let ret = driver.execute_script(r#"
    let elem = document.getElementById("button1");
    return elem;
let elem_out = ret.get_element()?;
assert_eq!(elem_out.text()?, "BUTTON 1");
let elem = driver.find_element(By::Id("button-result"))?;
assert_eq!(elem.text()?, "Button 1 clicked");

fn execute_script_with_args(
    script: &str,
    args: &ScriptArgs
) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync>

Execute the specified Javascript synchronously and return the result.


let elem = driver.find_element(By::Id("button1"))?;
let mut args = ScriptArgs::new();
let ret = driver.execute_script_with_args(r#"
    arguments[0].innerHTML = arguments[1];
    return arguments[0];
    "#, &args
let elem_out = ret.get_element()?;
assert_eq!(elem_out.element_id, elem.element_id);
assert_eq!(elem_out.text()?, "TESTING");

fn execute_async_script(&self, script: &str) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync>

Execute the specified Javascrypt asynchronously and return the result.


let ret = driver.execute_async_script(r#"
    // Selenium automatically provides an extra argument which is a
    // function that receives the return value(s).
    let done = arguments[0];
    window.setTimeout(() => {
        let elem = document.getElementById("button1");
    }, 1000);
let elem_out = ret.get_element()?;
assert_eq!(elem_out.text()?, "BUTTON 1");
let elem = driver.find_element(By::Id("button-result"))?;
assert_eq!(elem.text()?, "Button 1 clicked");

fn execute_async_script_with_args(
    script: &str,
    args: &ScriptArgs
) -> WebDriverResult<ScriptRetSync>

Execute the specified Javascrypt asynchronously and return the result.


let elem = driver.find_element(By::Id("button1"))?;
let mut args = ScriptArgs::new();
let ret = driver.execute_async_script_with_args(r#"
    // Selenium automatically provides an extra argument which is a
    // function that receives the return value(s).
    let done = arguments[2];
    window.setTimeout(() => {
        arguments[0].innerHTML = arguments[1];
    }, 1000);
    "#, &args
let elem_out = ret.get_element()?;
assert_eq!(elem_out.element_id, elem.element_id);
assert_eq!(elem_out.text()?, "TESTING");

fn current_window_handle(&self) -> WebDriverResult<WindowHandle>

Get the current window handle.

fn window_handles(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<WindowHandle>>

Get all window handles for the current session.

fn maximize_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Maximize the current window.



fn minimize_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Minimize the current window.

fn fullscreen_window(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Make the current window fullscreen.



fn get_window_rect(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Rect>

Get the current window rectangle, in pixels.

The returned Rect struct has members x, y, width, height, all i32.

fn set_window_rect(&self, rect: OptionRect) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set the current window rectangle, in pixels.

This requires an OptionRect, which is similar to Rect except all members are wrapped in Option.


use thirtyfour::OptionRect;
let r = OptionRect::new().with_size(1280, 720);

You can also convert from a Rect if you want to get the window size and modify it before setting it again.

use thirtyfour::OptionRect;
let rect = driver.get_window_rect()?;
let option_rect = OptionRect::from(rect);

fn back(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Go back. This is equivalent to clicking the browser's back button.



fn forward(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Go forward. This is equivalent to clicking the browser's forward button.



fn refresh(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Refresh the current page.



fn get_timeouts(&self) -> WebDriverResult<TimeoutConfiguration>

Get all timeouts for the current session.


use thirtyfour::TimeoutConfiguration;
use std::time::Duration;

let timeouts = driver.get_timeouts()?;
println!("Page load timeout = {:?}", timeouts.page_load());

fn set_timeouts(&self, timeouts: TimeoutConfiguration) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set all timeouts for the current session.


use thirtyfour::TimeoutConfiguration;
use std::time::Duration;

// Setting timeouts to None means those timeout values will not be updated.
let timeouts = TimeoutConfiguration::new(None, Some(Duration::new(11, 0)), None);

fn implicitly_wait(&self, time_to_wait: Duration) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set the implicit wait timeout.

fn set_script_timeout(&self, time_to_wait: Duration) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set the script timeout.

fn set_page_load_timeout(&self, time_to_wait: Duration) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set the page load timeout.

fn action_chain(&self) -> ActionChain

Create a new action chain for this session.


let elem_text = driver.find_element(By::Name("input1"))?;
let elem_button = driver.find_element(By::Id("button-set"))?;

    .send_keys_to_element(&elem_text, "thirtyfour")

fn get_cookies(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<Cookie>>

Get all cookies.


let cookies = driver.get_cookies()?;
for cookie in &cookies {
    println!("Got cookie: {}", cookie.value());

Get the specified cookie.


let cookie = driver.get_cookie("key")?;
println!("Got cookie: {}", cookie.value());

Delete the specified cookie.



fn delete_all_cookies(&self) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Delete all cookies.



Add the specified cookie.


let cookie = Cookie::new("key", serde_json::json!("value"));

fn screenshot_as_base64(&self) -> WebDriverResult<String>

Take a screenshot of the current window and return it as a base64-encoded String.

fn screenshot_as_png(&self) -> WebDriverResult<Vec<u8>>

Take a screenshot of the current window and return it as PNG bytes.

fn screenshot(&self, path: &Path) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Take a screenshot of the current window and write it to the specified filename.

fn switch_to(&self) -> SwitchTo

Return a SwitchTo struct for switching to another window or frame.

fn set_window_name(&self, window_name: &str) -> WebDriverResult<()>

Set the current window name. Useful for switching between windows/tabs using driver.switch_to().window_name(name).

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impl<T> WebDriverCommands for GenericWebDriver<T> where
    T: RemoteConnectionSync + RemoteConnectionSyncCreate

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