Function tess2_sys::tessGetElements [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn tessGetElements(
    tess: *mut TESStesselator
) -> *const TESSindex

Returns element buffer


Size of this buffer is not tessGetElementCount ints.

Size of this buffer depends on values provided when calling tessTesselate

if element type is TESS_POLYGONS, then this array contains tessGetElementCount * polySize integers. array can be divided into tessGetElementCount slices of polySize length. Each slice contains indices to vertices in tessGetVertices that create this polygon. If polygon has less vertices than polySize, remaining indices are -1

if element type is TESS_CONNECTED_POLYGONS, this array contains tessGetElementCount * polysize

if element type is TESS_BOUNDARY_CONTOURS, this array contains tessGetElementCount * 2 integers each pair of values determines [position, length] of polygon contours stored in vertices array