Crate terra_proto_rs
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§Rust Terra Proto
Clients used to interact with Terra Blockchain from Rust. It can be used directly with CosmWasm smart contracts as for example on Alliance Hub or from an external blockchain API.
§Usage in CosmWasm
Integrate terra-proto-rs into the Cargo.toml from your smart contract with default-features to false that way you avoid importing libraries that will make your smart contract fail:
terra-proto-rs = {version = "5.0.0", default-features = false}
§Available models for CosmWasm
When building a smart contract you can use the following messages natively without having to parse the structs, just import and use them:
§Alliance Module
§Cosmos SDK Base modules
§Token Factory Module
§POB Module
§POB Module
Extracting and simplifying a code snippet the delegate function in Alliance Hub smart contract from Alliance Protocol:
fn alliance_delegate(
deps: DepsMut,
env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: AllianceDelegateMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
let mut msgs: Vec<CosmosMsg<Empty>> = vec![];
for delegation in msg.delegations {
/// Using MsgDelegate from alliance
let delegate_msg = MsgDelegate {
amount: Some(Coin {
denom: config.alliance_token_denom.clone(),
amount: delegation.amount.to_string(),
delegator_address: env.contract.address.to_string(),
validator_address: delegation.validator.to_string(),
// Creating the Stargate message to be routed on the alliance module
// from terras blockchain on Response::message
msgs.push(CosmosMsg::Stargate {
type_url: "/alliance.alliance.MsgDelegate".to_string(),
value: Binary::from(delegate_msg.encode_to_vec()),
.add_attributes(vec![("action", "alliance_delegate")])
pub use prost;
- Alliance protobuf definitions.
- Cosmos protobuf definitions.
- CosmWasm protobuf definitions.
- IBC protobuf definitions.
- TokenFactory definitions.
- Support traits for Cosmos SDK protobufs.