Module termwiz::lineedit

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The LineEditor struct provides line editing facilities similar to those in the unix shell.

use termwiz::lineedit::{line_editor_terminal, NopLineEditorHost, LineEditor};

fn main() -> termwiz::Result<()> {
    let mut terminal = line_editor_terminal()?;
    let mut editor = LineEditor::new(&mut terminal);
    let mut host = NopLineEditorHost::default();

    let line = editor.read_line(&mut host)?;
    println!("read line: {:?}", line);


§Key Bindings

The following key bindings are supported:

Ctrl-A, HomeMove cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-E, EndMove cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl-B, LeftMove cursor one grapheme to the left
Ctrl-CCancel the line editor
Ctrl-DCancel the line editor with an End-of-File result
Ctrl-F, RightMove cursor one grapheme to the right
Ctrl-H, BackspaceDelete the grapheme to the left of the cursor
DeleteDelete the grapheme to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-J, Ctrl-M, EnterFinish line editing and accept the current line
Ctrl-KDelete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-LMove the cursor to the top left, clear screen and repaint
Ctrl-RIncremental history search mode
Ctrl-WDelete word leading up to cursor
Alt-b, Alt-LeftMove the cursor backwards one word
Alt-f, Alt-RightMove the cursor forwards one word


  • A simple history implementation that holds entries in memory.
  • A candidate for tab completion. If the line and cursor look like “why he” and if “hello” is a valid completion of “he” in that context, then the corresponding CompletionCandidate would have its range set to [4..6] (the “he” slice range) and its text set to “hello”.
  • The LineEditor struct provides line editing facilities similar to those in the unix shell.
  • A concrete implementation of LineEditorHost that uses the default behaviors.



  • Defines the history interface for the line editor.
  • The LineEditorHost trait allows an embedding application to influence how the line editor functions. A concrete implementation of the host with neutral defaults is provided as NopLineEditorHost.


Type Aliases§

  • Represents a position within the history. Smaller numbers are assumed to be before larger numbers, and the indices are assumed to be contiguous.