Crate termstyle

Expand description

termstyle: create and test the style and formatting for the text in your terminal applications

termstyle is a library that aims to make it easy to build formatted and styled command line applications.


extern crate serde_yaml;
use termstyle::{Color, El, Text};

// example raw yaml file
let example = r#"
- ["plain ", {t: "and bold", b: true}]
- ["plain ", {t: "and red", c: red}]

// deserialize as yaml (you can use `serde_json::from_str` for json, etc).
let els = termstyle::from_str(serde_yaml::from_str, example).unwrap();

// This could have also been programmatically constructed like this
let expected = vec![
    El::plain("plain ".into()),
    El::Text(Text::new("and bold".into()).bold()),
    El::plain("plain ".into()),
    El::Text(Text::new("and red".into()).color(Color::Red)),

assert_eq!(els, expected);

// Render directly to stdout. Can also use `El::paint` to
// do one at a time.
termstyle::paint(&mut ::std::io::stdout(), &els).unwrap();

§Styled Tables

See the documentation for Table


  • A paintable Table
  • Raw Table type, used only for deserializing.
  • A piece of text, may be colored, etc


  • Possible Terminal Colors
  • A Element that can be rendered as styled+formatted text using paint().
  • Raw El type, used only for deserializing.
  • Raw Text type, used only for deserializing.
  • Raw Text type, used so you can specify "foo bar" or ["foo ", "bar"]


  • Helper function to make tests easier for others.
  • Print the byte representation directly to stderr.
  • Convert a string into Vec<El> using the given deserializer.
  • Paint the given elements into the writer.
  • Helper function to make tests easier for others.
  • Helper function to make tests easier for others.