Expand description
Dependency-less library for simple terminal text coloring and formating
Basic usage (checkout the examples/usage.rs file for more information)
use termcol::*;
fn main() {
println!("{}red{}", color("red"), color("reset"));
println!("{}bold{}", format("bold"), format("reset"));
println!("{}", color_string("im blue", "blue"));
This project is distributed under MIT license.
Function providing a way to disable any form of coloring/formating
Function providing a way to color your cli output
Function providing a way to color your cli output
Function providing a way to format you cli output
Function providing a way to format you cli output
Helper function returning the value of DISALBE_COLORING global variable
Function which optimizes given string from unneded reset control codes
Returns true color escape codes for given u8 values background_or_foreground true => change background background_or_foreground false => change foreground
Returns true color escape codes from given hex string background_or_foreground true => change background background_or_foreground false => change foreground
Returns given string altered with true color escape codes from given u8 values
Returns given string altered with true color escape codes from given hex strings