creates a true rgb foreground color. R, G and B must be values in range
creates a background color, color is value in range 0..256
Moves cursor to the given column
Creates escape sequence, the first literal is the end of the sequence,
the other arguments are the values in the sequence
creates a true rgb foreground color. R, G and B must be values in range
creates a foreground color, color is value in range 0..256
Moves cursor down by N positions
Moves cursor left by N positions
Moves cursor right by N positions
Moves cursor to the given position.
Moves cursor up by N positions
Creates the given sequence, this is used internally, you should use
the macro
Moves cursor to the start of line N lines down
Moves cursor to the start of line N lines up
Moves the cursor left by one positoin
Produces terminal bell
Set the background color to black (dark black)
Set the foreground color to black (dark black)
Set blinking mode
Set the background color to blue (bright blue)
Set the background color to dark blue
Set the foreground color to dark blue
Set the foreground color to blue (bright blue)
Set bold text mode (on some terminals may be just brighter color)
Moves cursor to the start of the line
Control Sequence Introducer: Start of CSI sequence
Restores the cursor position to the last saved position (this is single
save slot, not stack)
Saves the cursor position (this is single save slot, not stack)
Set the background color to cyan (bright cyan)
Set the background color to dark cyan
Set the foreground color to dark cyan
Set the foreground color to cyan (bright cyan)
Device Control String: Start of DCS sequence
Does nothing
Disables the laternative buffer
Disables line wrapping
Set double underline mode
Enables alternative buffer
Enables line wrapping
Erases the whole screen and the scrollback buffer
Erases from the start of the line to the cursor
Erases from the start of the screen to the cursor
Erases the entire line
Erases the entire screen
Erases from the cursor to the end of the screen
Erases from cursor to the end of the line
! Module with ansi escape codes. Most of them are taken from:
The escape character
Set dim/faint text mode
Indicates new page, usualy has no use in terminal
Set the background color to gray (bright black)
Set to background color to bright gray (dark white)
Set to foreground color to bright gray (dark white)
Set the foreground color to gray (bright black)
Set the background color to green (bright green)
Set the background color to dark green
Set the foreground color to dark green
Set the foreground color to green (bright green)
Makes the cursor invisible
Horizontal tabulator, moves cursor to the next stop
Set inverse mode (inverse foreground and background)
Set invisible mode (foreground is same as background)
Set italic mode
Loads the last saved screen
Set the background color to magenta (bright magenta)
Set the background color to dark magenta
Set the foreground color to dark magenta
Set the foreground color to magenta (bright magenta)
Moves the cursor to the start of the next line
Operating System Command: Start of OCS sequence
Set the background color to red (bright red)
Set the background color to dark red
Set the foreground color to dark red
Set the foreground color to red (bright red)
Resets all the text modes (colors and styles)
Reset the background color
Reset the foreground color
Saves the visible part of the screen buffer
Makes the cursor visible
Set striketrough mode
Set underline mode
Moves cursor one line up, scrolling if needed
Vertical tabulator, moves the cursor to the next vertical stop
Set the background color to white (bright white)
Set the foreground color to white (bright white)
Set the background color to yellow (bright yellow)
Set the background color to dark yellow
Set the foreground color to dark yellow
Set the foreground color to yellow (bright yellow)