Crate term_grid

Expand description

This library arranges textual data in a grid format suitable for fixed-width fonts, using an algorithm to minimise the amount of space needed. For example:

use term_grid::{Grid, GridOptions, Direction, Filling, Cell};

let mut grid = Grid::new(GridOptions {
    filling:    Filling::Spaces(1),
    direction:  Direction::LeftToRight,

for s in &["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
           "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve"]

println!("{}", grid.fit_into_width(24).unwrap());

Produces the following tabular result:

one  two three  four
five six seven  eight
nine ten eleven twelve

§Creating a grid

To add data to a grid, first create a new Grid value, and then add cells to them with the add function.

There are two options that must be specified in the GridOptions value that dictate how the grid is formatted:

  • filling: what to put in between two columns — either a number of spaces, or a text string;
  • direction, which specifies whether the cells should go along rows, or columns:
    • Direction::LeftToRight starts them in the top left and moves rightwards, going to the start of a new row after reaching the final column;
    • Direction::TopToBottom starts them in the top left and moves downwards, going to the top of a new column after reaching the final row.

§Displaying a grid

When display a grid, you can either specify the number of columns in advance, or try to find the maximum number of columns that can fit in an area of a given width.

Splitting a series of cells into columns — or, in other words, starting a new row every n cells — is achieved with the fit_into_columns function on a Grid value. It takes as its argument the number of columns.

Trying to fit as much data onto one screen as possible is the main use case for specifying a maximum width instead. This is achieved with the fit_into_width function. It takes the maximum allowed width, including separators, as its argument. However, it returns an optional Display value, depending on whether any of the cells actually had a width greater than the maximum width! If this is the case, your best bet is to just output the cells with one per line.

§Cells and data

Grids to not take Strings or &strs — they take Cell values.

A Cell is a struct containing an individual cell’s contents, as a string, and its pre-computed length, which gets used when calculating a grid’s final dimensions. Usually, you want the Unicode width of the string to be used for this, so you can turn a String into a Cell with the .into() function.

However, you may also want to supply your own width: when you already know the width in advance, or when you want to change the measurement, such as skipping over terminal control characters. For cases like these, the fields on the Cell values are public, meaning you can construct your own instances as necessary.


  • A Cell is the combination of a string and its pre-computed length.
  • A displayable representation of a Grid.
  • Everything needed to format the cells with the grid options.
  • The user-assignable options for a grid view that should be passed to Grid::new().


  • Alignment indicate on which side the content should stick if some filling is required.
  • Direction cells should be written in — either across, or downwards.
  • The text to put in between each pair of columns. This does not include any spaces used when aligning cells.

Type Aliases§

  • The width of a cell, in columns.