initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Attr","Lists possible attributes. It implements `ToStyle` so it's possible to call `ToStyle`'s methods directly on a `Attr` variant like:"],["Color","Lists all possible Colors. It implements `ToStyle` so it's possible to call `ToStyle`'s methods directly on a `Color` variant like:"]],"struct":[["Painted","Wraps an object of type `T` and a style. When attempting to print it, the given style is applied before printing and reset afterwards. All formatting traits (`Display`, `Debug`, ...) that are implemented for `T` are also implemented the wrapper type `Painted`."],["Style","Saves all properties of a style. Implements `ToStyle`, so you can call style modifiers on it."]],"trait":[["ToStyle","Everything that can be seen as part of a style. This is the core of this crate. All functions (\"style modifier\") consume self and return a modified version of the style."]]});