Expand description

Blocks within the chains of a Tendermint network


pub use self::commit_sig::*;
pub use self::header::Header;


CommitSig within Commit

Block headers

Block parts

SignedHeader contains commit and and block header. It is what the rpc endpoint /commit returns and hence can be used by a light client.


Blocks consist of a header, transactions, votes (the commit), and a list of evidence of malfeasance (i.e. signing conflicting votes).

Block height for a particular chain (i.e. number of blocks created since the chain began)

Block identifiers which contain two distinct Merkle roots of the block, as well as the number of parts in the block.

Block metadata - Todo: implement constructor and getters

Block round for a particular chain

Block size parameters


Parse block::Height from a type

Parse block::Id from a type