[][src]Module templar::filters

Templar filters

Filters are used to process the result of an expression in a template.


As an example, the expression {{ 'hello' | upper }} uses the "upper" filter to create the upper case result "HELLO".

Built in filters

  • require: Will throw an error if the result is empty or null
  • default(any): Replaces empty, null, or error types with the default value from the args
  • length: Returns the length of a string or array
  • lower: Lowercase the rendered result
  • upper: Uppercase the rendered result
  • trim: Trim whitespace off the rendered result
  • split(str?): Split a string into an array. Delimited by newline, but an arg can be used to override the delimiter.
  • index(int): Retrieve the int index from the array
  • join(str?): Join an array with the provided string. Defaults to newline
  • string: Forces the result into a string type, usually by rendering it
  • key(str): Retrieve the value of the specified key from the dictionary
  • escape_html: (alias 'e') Render the result and escape HTML characters
  • replace: Replace occurrences of a character in a string
  • yaml: (alias yml) Serialize the data into a YAML string. Requires"yaml-extension" feature (default on)
  • json(str?): Serialize the data into a JSON string. Set str to 'pretty' to print with indentation. Requires the "json-extension" feature (default on)
  • base64(str?): Encode the result as Base64. If the optional string parameter is set to "decode" then it will try to decode instead. Requires "base64-extension" feature (default on)

Type Definitions


This is the definition used when adding filters to Templar