Module telers::dispatcher

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Dispatcher is the main part of the library, which contains functionality for handling updates and dispatching them to the router. You can create Dispatcher with Dispatcher::new method or using Builder (recommended).

Components of the dispatcher:

  • Bot: Bot is used for sending requests to the Telegram API and receiving updates from the Telegram API. Usually you need only one bot and one dispatcher, but you can pass multiple bots to the dispatcher and it will work with all of them with own polling processes.
  • Propagator: Propagator is abstract component, which is used for propagating events, usually it’s Router. Router combines services and observers and propagates events to them and allows creating complex event handling logic. See router module for more information (recommended).
  • Polling timeout: Timeout in seconds for long polling. By default, it’s 30 seconds, but you can change it with Builder::polling_timeout method. Polling sends GetUpdates request to the Telegram API and will wait for polling_timeout seconds. If there are no updates, it will send the same request again, so often as you set it in Builder::backoff method.
  • ExponentialBackoff: Backoff used for handling server-side errors and network errors (like connection reset or telegram server is down, etc.) and set timeout between requests to telegram server.
  • Allowed updates: List the types of updates you want your bot to receive. For example, specify message, edited_channel_post, callback_query to only receive updates of these types. See UpdateType for a complete list of available update types. By default, all update types except ChatMember are enabled.

Dispatcher supports startup and shutdown events. You can register handlers for these observers (startup and shutdown) in the main router and handle them (see router module). When you call long polling with Dispatcher::run_polling method, it will emit main router startup event and shutdown event when polling is stopped by signal (SIGINT and SIGTERM in Unix; CTRL-C and CTRL-BREAK in Windows). Also, you can emit these events manually with Dispatcher::emit_startup and Dispatcher::emit_shutdown methods. See Dispatcher::run_polling_without_startup_and_shutdown method if you don’t need emitting these events.

Use Dispatcher::feed_update and Dispatcher::feed_update_with_context methods for feeding updates to the dispatcher manually. These methods are useful for testing or if you want to use your own update source. Second method allows you to pass Context with own data, which will be used in the handlers, middlewares, etc. (see context module for more information).

Check out the examples directory for usage examples.

