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Telegram bot prelude.

This module re-exports request builder traits from telegram-bot-raw.


pub use crate::util::messages::MessageGetFiles;
pub use crate::util::messages::MessageText;


Send answers to callback queries sent from inline keyboards.
Delete messages..
Edit captions of messages sent by the bot.
Edit live location messages sent by the bot.
Edit reply markup of messages sent by the bot.
Edit text of messages sent by the bot.
Export chat invite link.
Forward message.
Get up to date information about the chat.
Get a list of administrators in a chat.
Get information about a member of a chat.
Get information about a member of a chat.
Get the number of members in a chat.
Get basic info about a file and prepare it for downloading.
Get a list of profile pictures for a user.
Kick a user from a group or a supergroup.
Kick a user from a group or a supergroup.
Leave a group, supergroup or channel.
Can reply with an audio
Reply with phone contact.
Can reply with a document
Reply with point on the map.
Reply with text message.
Can reply with an photo
Reply with information about a venue.
Can reply with an video
Send an audio
Send action to a chat.
Send phone contact.
Send a document
Send point on the map.
Send text message.
Send an photo
Send message with a poll.
Send information about a venue.
Send an video
Stop updating a live location message sent by the bot.
Stop a poll which was sent by the bot.
Unban a previously kicked user in a supergroup or channel.
Unban a previously kicked user in a supergroup or channel.
Use this trait to convert a complex type to corresponding request and reply to the message.
Use this trait to convert a complex type to corresponding request and send it to the chat.