Crate tch

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Dataset iterators.

Indexing operations

JIT interface to run model trained/saved using PyTorch Python API.

The different kind of elements supported in Torch.

A small neural-network library based on Torch.

The vision module groups functions and models related to computer vision.


A jit PyTorch module.

A RAII guard that prevents gradient tracking until deallocated.

A single scalar value.

A tensor object.

The trainable version of a jit PyTorch module.


Cuda related helper functions.

A torch device.

Argument and output values for JIT models.

The different kind of elements that a Tensor can hold.

Quantization engines

Main library error type.



Runs a closure in mixed precision.

Get the number of threads used by torch for inter-op parallelism.

Get the number of threads used by torch in parallel regions.

Sets the random seed used by torch.

Runs a closure without keeping track of gradients.

Disables gradient tracking, this will be enabled back when the returned value gets deallocated.

Set the number of threads used by torch for inter-op parallelism.

Set the number of threads used by torch in parallel regions.

Runs a closure explicitly keeping track of gradients, this could be run within a no_grad closure for example.