Crate tbot

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Make cool Telegram bots with Rust easily. Here is a simple echo bot:

use tbot::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let mut bot = tbot::from_env!("BOT_TOKEN").event_loop();

    bot.text(|context| async move {
        let echo = &context.text.value;
        let call_result = context.send_message(echo).call().await;

        if let Err(err) = call_result {


There are many examples to see tbot in action. If you want to see real-world use of tbot, check out this list.

If you’re a newcomer, we recommend you go through the tutorial first. We also have several How-to guides to help you use tbot. You can always refer to our API docs on (also, docs for master are available here).

If you have a question, ask it in our group on Telegram. If you find a bug, file an issue on either our GitLab or GitHub repository.



  • Contexts for update handlers.
  • Types representing errors.
  • The event loop for handling bot updates.
  • Utilities for working with markup.
  • Structs for calling API methods.
  • Useful predicates and utilities for them.
  • Traits needed when working with tbot.
  • The stateful event loop and utilities for it.
  • Types for interacting with the API.
  • A few useful utilities.


  • Constructs a new Bot, extracting the token from the environment at compile time.


  • Provides methods to call the Bots API.