Module tauri::test

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Available on crate feature test only.
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Utilities for unit testing on Tauri applications.


This module is unstable.


use tauri::test::{mock_builder, mock_context, noop_assets};

fn ping() -> &'static str {

fn create_app<R: tauri::Runtime>(builder: tauri::Builder<R>) -> tauri::App<R> {
        // remove the string argument to use your app's config file
        .expect("failed to build app")

fn main() {
    // Use `tauri::Builder::default()` to use the default runtime rather than the `MockRuntime`;
    // let app = create_app(tauri::Builder::default());
    let app = create_app(mock_builder());
    let webview = tauri::WebviewWindowBuilder::new(&app, "main", Default::default()).build().unwrap();

    // run the `ping` command and assert it returns `pong`
    let res = tauri::test::get_ipc_response(
        tauri::webview::InvokeRequest {
            cmd: "ping".into(),
            callback: tauri::ipc::CallbackFn(0),
            error: tauri::ipc::CallbackFn(1),
            body: tauri::ipc::InvokeBody::default(),
            headers: Default::default(),
    ).map(|b| b.deserialize::<String>().unwrap());

