Module tauri::updater

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Available on crate feature updater only.
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The Tauri updater.

The updater is focused on making Tauri’s application updates as safe and transparent as updates to a website.

For a full guide on setting up the updater, see

Check UpdateBuilder to see how to manually trigger and customize the updater at runtime.


To listen to the updater events, for example to check for error messages, you need to use RunEvent::Updater in App::run.

let app = tauri::Builder::default()
  // on an actual app, remove the string argument
  .expect("error while building tauri application");|_app_handle, event| match event {
  tauri::RunEvent::Updater(updater_event) => {
    match updater_event {
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::UpdateAvailable { body, date, version } => {
        println!("update available {} {:?} {}", body, date, version);
      // Emitted when the download is about to be started.
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::Pending => {
        println!("update is pending!");
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::DownloadProgress { chunk_length, content_length } => {
        println!("downloaded {} of {:?}", chunk_length, content_length);
      // Emitted when the download has finished and the update is about to be installed.
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::Downloaded => {
        println!("update has been downloaded!");
      // Emitted when the update was installed. You can then ask to restart the app.
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::Updated => {
        println!("app has been updated");
      // Emitted when the app already has the latest version installed and an update is not needed.
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::AlreadyUpToDate => {
        println!("app is already up to date");
      // Emitted when there is an error with the updater. We suggest to listen to this event even if the default dialog is enabled.
      tauri::UpdaterEvent::Error(error) => {
        println!("failed to update: {}", error);
      _ => (),
  _ => {}


Information about a release returned by the remote update server.
An update check builder.
The response of an updater check.


All errors that can occur while running the updater.


Check for new updates
The name of the event that is emitted on download progress.
Used to initialize an update should run check-update first (once you received the update available event)
The update has been downloaded.
When you got this status, something went wrong you can find the error message inside the error field.
this is the status emitted when the download start
When you receive this status, you should ask the user to restart
Send updater status or error even if dialog is enabled, you should always listen for this event. It’ll send you the install progress and any error triggered during update check and install
When you receive this status, this is because the application is running last version
New update available


Initializes the UpdateBuilder using the app configuration.
Gets the target string used on the updater.

Type Definitions

Alias for std::result::Result using our own Error.