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The Tauri configuration used at runtime.

It is pulled from a tauri.conf.json file and the Config struct is generated at compile time.


This is a core functionality that is not considered part of the stable API. If you use it, note that it may include breaking changes in the future.


pub use self::parse::parse;


Items to help with parsing content into a Config.


Allowlist configuration.

Configuration for AppImage bundles.

The Build configuration object.

Configuration for tauri-bundler.

A CLI argument definition.

describes a CLI configuration

Allowlist for the clipboard APIs.

The tauri.conf.json is a file generated by the tauri init command that lives in your Tauri application source directory (src-tauri).

Configuration for Debian (.deb) bundles.

Allowlist for the dialog APIs.

Allowlist for the file system APIs.

Allowlist for the global shortcut APIs.

Allowlist for the HTTP APIs.

HTTP API scope definition. It is a list of URLs that can be accessed by the webview when using the HTTP APIs. The scoped URL is matched against the request URL using a glob pattern.

Configuration for the macOS bundles.

Allowlist for the notification APIs.

Allowlist for the OS APIs.

The package configuration.

Allowlist for the path APIs.

The plugin configs holds a HashMap mapping a plugin name to its configuration object.

Allowlist for the process APIs.

Allowlist for the custom protocols.

Security configuration.

A command allowed to be executed by the webview API.

Allowlist for the shell APIs.

Shell scope definition. It is a list of command names and associated CLI arguments that restrict the API access from the webview.

Configuration for application system tray icon.

The Tauri configuration object.

The Updater configuration object.

A URL to an updater server.

The updater configuration for Windows.

Allowlist for the window APIs.

The window configuration object.

Windows bundler configuration.

Configuration for the MSI bundle using WiX.

Configuration for a target language for the WiX build.


Defines the URL or assets to embed in the application.

Targets to bundle. Each value is case insensitive.

A bundle referenced by tauri-bundler.

A Content-Security-Policy definition. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP.

The possible values for the dangerous_disable_asset_csp_modification config option.

Filesystem scope definition. It is a list of glob patterns that restrict the API access from the webview.

The application pattern.

A command argument allowed to be executed by the webview API.

A set of command arguments allowed to be executed by the webview API.

Defines the shell > open api scope.

Install modes for the Webview2 runtime. Note that for the updater bundle Self::DownloadBootstrapper is used.

An URL to open on a Tauri webview window.

Install modes for the Windows update.

The languages to build using WiX.


Defines an allowlist type.