Expand description


tasklist is a crate let you easily get tasklist and process information on windows. it based on windows-rs crate.

what information you can get
  1. Process name,pid,parrentID,theradsID.
  2. Process start_time,exit_time,and CPU_time(including kernel time and user time).
  3. Process path and commandline params.
  4. Process SID and Domain/User.
  5. Process IO infomation , including all of IO_COUNTERS member.
  6. Process memory information , including all of PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS member.
  7. Process handles information , use GetProcessHandleCount Api.
  8. Process file infomation , use GetFileVersionInfoExW Api.
  9. Iterate over all processes

remember some infomation need higher privilege in some specific windows versions


Get all process pid , process name and user .

use tasklist;
fn main(){
        let tl = tasklist::Tasklist::new();
        for i in tl{
            println!("{} {} {}",i.get_pid(),i.get_pname(),i.get_user());

Get all process name , pid , company name , file description.

use tasklist;
fn main(){
    for i in unsafe{tasklist::Tasklist::new()}{
        let cpn = match i.get_file_info().get("CompanyName"){
        let des = match i.get_file_info().get("FileDescription"){
        println!("\t{} \t{} \t{} \t{}",i.get_pname(),i.get_pid(),cpn,des)



the process’s IO counter struct

process’s memory counter struct . can easily get memory infomation of a process.

the process struct .

this struct is Process Iterator.


enbale the debug privilege for your program , it return a bool to show if it success.

return the first process id by the name you gave , it return the Option<u32> , u32 is the process id.

find the process id by the name you gave , it return a Vec<U32> , if the process is not exist , it will return a empty Vec<u32>

just like the name , this function will return a Option<String> by the id you gave, String is the name of process.

get the file info of the process . use GetFileVersionInfoExW api . it will return a HashMap<String,String> including a lot of infomation. you can get value throught CompanyName FileDescription OriginalFilename ProductName ProductVersion PrivateBuild InternalName LegalCopyright FileVersion keys.

get the process io counter , it will return a IoCounter if cant get the io counter , it will return a zero IoCounter

get process memory info . it will return a MemoryCounter struct .

get the process command line params . it will return String .

get process parrent id from pid , it will return a Option<u32>

get process full path from pid , it will return String which is the location of process.

get the process sid and domain/user name from pid . it will return a tuple consisting of (domain/user,sid). if the privilege is not enough , it will return the failed reson.

get process thread id from pid , it will return Vec<u32> .

get process time , including Start time , Exit time , Kernel time and User time . it will return a tuple which is (start_time,exit_time,CpuTime)

get process handle counter . return u32

kill a process by process_id . if success , it will return true

get the windows tasklist ,return a HashMap<String,u32> String is the name of process, and u32 is the id of process