initSidebarItems({"enum":[["EntryType","Indicate for the type of file described by a header."]],"struct":[["Archive","A top-level representation of an archive file."],["Builder","A structure for building archives"],["Entries","An iterator over the entries of an archive."],["Entry","A read-only view into an entry of an archive."],["GnuExtSparseHeader","Representation of the entry found to represent extended GNU sparse files."],["GnuHeader","Representation of the header of an entry in an archive"],["GnuSparseHeader","Description of the header of a spare entry."],["Header","Representation of the header of an entry in an archive"],["OldHeader","Representation of the header of an entry in an archive"],["PaxExtension","A key/value pair corresponding to a pax extension."],["PaxExtensions","An iterator over the pax extensions in an archive entry."],["UstarHeader","Representation of the header of an entry in an archive"]]});