Module tantivy::query

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Module containing the different query implementations.


Query that matches all of the documents.
Scorer associated with the AllQuery query.
Weight associated with the AllQuery query.
A weight struct for Fuzzy Term and Regex Queries
A BitSetDocSet makes it possible to iterate through a bitset as if it was a DocSet.
The boolean query returns a set of documents that matches the Boolean combination of constituent subqueries.
BoostQuery is a wrapper over a query used to boost its score.
ConstScoreQuery is a wrapper over a query to provide a constant score. It can avoid unnecessary score computation on the wrapped query.
Wraps a DocSet and simply returns a constant Scorer. The ConstScorer is useful if you have a DocSet where you needed a scorer.
Take max score of different scorers and optionally sum it with other matches multiplied by tie_breaker
The disjunction max query кeturns documents matching one or more wrapped queries, called query clauses or clauses.
EmptyQuery is a dummy Query in which no document matches.
EmptyScorer is a dummy Scorer in which no document matches.
EmptyWeight is a dummy Weight in which no document matches.
Filters a given DocSet by removing the docs from a given DocSet.
Object describing the score of a given document. It is organized in trees.
A Fuzzy Query matches all of the documents containing a specific term that is within Levenshtein distance
Creates a DocSet that iterate through the intersection of two or more DocSets.
A query that matches all of the documents similar to a document or a set of field values provided.
The builder for more-like-this query
PhraseQuery matches a specific sequence of words.
Tantivy’s Query parser
RangeQuery matches all documents that have at least one term within a defined range.
A Regex Query matches all of the documents containing a specific term that matches a regex pattern.
Given a required scorer and an optional scorer matches all document from the required scorer and complements the score using the optional scorer.
Sums the score of different scorers.
Sums the score of different scorers and keeps the count of scorers which matched.
A Term query matches all of the documents containing a specific term.
A Term Set Query matches all of the documents containing any of the Term provided
Creates a DocSet that iterate through the union of two or more DocSets.


Argument used in Query::weight(..)
Defines whether a term in a query must be present, should be present or must not be present.
Possible error that may happen when parsing a query.


The Query trait defines a set of documents and a scoring method for those documents.
Implements box_clone.
The ScoreCombiner trait defines how to compute an overall score given a list of scores.
Scored set of documents matching a query within a specific segment.
A Weight is the specialization of a Query for a given set of segments.


Returns the intersection scorer.