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Query Module


Query that matches all of the documents.

Scorer associated to the AllQuery query.

Weight associated to the AllQuery query.

A weight struct for Fuzzy Term and Regex Queries

A BitSetDocSet makes it possible to iterate through a bitset as if it was a DocSet.

The boolean query returns a set of documents that matches the Boolean combination of constituent subqueries.

BoostQuery is a wrapper over a query used to boost its score.

Wraps a DocSet and simply returns a constant Scorer. The ConstScorer is useful if you have a DocSet where you needed a scorer.

EmptyQuery is a dummy Query in which no document matches.

EmptyScorer is a dummy Scorer in which no document matches.

EmptyWeight is a dummy Weight in which no document matches.

Filters a given DocSet by removing the docs from a given DocSet.

Object describing the score of a given document. It is organized in trees.

A Fuzzy Query matches all of the documents containing a specific term that is within Levenshtein distance

Creates a DocSet that iterate through the intersection of two or more DocSets.

A query that matches all of the documents similar to a document or a set of field values provided.

The builder for more-like-this query

PhraseQuery matches a specific sequence of words.

Tantivy’s Query parser

RangeQuery match all documents that have at least one term within a defined range.

A Regex Query matches all of the documents containing a specific term that matches a regex pattern.

Given a required scorer and an optional scorer matches all document from the required scorer and complements the score using the optional scorer.

A Term query matches all of the documents containing a specific term.

Creates a DocSet that iterate through the union of two or more DocSets.


Defines whether a term in a query must be present, should be present or must be not present.

Possible error that may happen when parsing a query.


The Query trait defines a set of documents and a scoring method for those documents.

Implements box_clone.

Scored set of documents matching a query within a specific segment.

A Weight is the specialization of a Query for a given set of segments.


Returns the intersection scorer.