Module tantivy_fst::raw

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Operations on raw finite state transducers.

This sub-module exposes the guts of a finite state transducer. Many parts of it, such as construction and traversal, are mirrored in the set and map sub-modules. Other parts of it, such as direct access to nodes and transitions in the transducer, do not have any analog.

Overview of types

Fst is a read only interface to pre-constructed finite state transducers. Node is a read only interface to a single node in a transducer. Builder is used to create new finite state transducers. (Once a transducer is created, it can never be modified.) Stream is a stream of all inputs and outputs in a transducer. StreamBuilder builds range queries. OpBuilder collects streams and executes set operations like union or intersection on them with the option of specifying a merge strategy for output values.

Most of the rest of the types are streams from set operations.


  • A builder for creating a finite state transducer.
  • A stream of chaining multiple fst streams in added order.
  • A stream of set difference over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order.
  • An acyclic deterministic finite state transducer.
  • A value indexed by a stream.
  • A stream of set intersection over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order.
  • Node represents a single state in a finite state transducer.
  • A builder for collecting fst streams on which to perform set operations on the keys of fsts.
  • An output is a value that is associated with a key in a finite state transducer.
  • Stream of key, value not exposing the state of the automaton.
  • A builder for constructing range queries on streams.
  • A lexicographically ordered stream from an fst of key-value pairs along with the state of the automaton.
  • A builder for constructing range queries of streams that returns results along with automaton states.
  • A stream of set symmetric difference over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order.
  • A transition from one note to another.
  • An iterator over all transitions in a node.
  • A stream of set union over multiple fst streams in lexicographic order.


  • An error that occurred while using a finite state transducer.


  • The API version of this crate.

Type Aliases

  • CompiledAddr is the type used to address nodes in a finite state transducer.
  • FstType is a convention used to indicate the type of the underlying transducer.