Crate tagged_channels

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This library makes it easy to tag (WebSocket, SSE, …) channels with e.g. user-id and then send events to all the channels opened by a particular user. It’s framework agnostic, but for now has only an axum example. If you’re using it with another framework, consider PR-ing an adapted example.


// We're going to tag channels
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
enum Tag {

// Events we're going to send
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(tag = "_type")]
enum Message {

// Create the manager
let mut manager = TaggedChannels::<Message, Tag>::new();

// Message to user#1
manager.send_by_tag(&Tag::UserId(1), Message::Ping).await;

// Message to all admins
manager.send_by_tag(&Tag::UserId(1), Message::Ping).await;

// Message to everyone

// Connect and tag the channel as belonging to the user#1 who is an admin
let mut channel = manager.create_channel([Tag::UserId(1), Tag::IsAdmin]);

// Receive events coming from the channel
while let Some(event) = channel.recv().await {
    // send the event through WebSocket or SSE

Look at the full axum example for detail.
