var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["tabwriter"] = {"doc":"This crate provides an implementation of\n [elastic tabstops](\n It is a minimal port of Go's\n [tabwriter]( package.\n Namely, its main mode of operation is to wrap a `Writer` and implement\n elastic tabstops for the text written to the wrapped `Writer`.","items":[[3,"TabWriter","tabwriter","TabWriter wraps an arbitrary writer and aligns tabbed output.",null,null],[11,"new","","Create a new `TabWriter` from an existing `Writer`.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"w"}],"output":{"name":"tabwriter"}}],[11,"minwidth","","Set the minimum width of each column. That is, all columns will have\n*at least* the size given here. If a column is smaller than `minwidth`,\nthen it is passed with spaces.",0,null],[11,"padding","","Set the padding between columns. All columns will be separated by\n*at least* the number of spaces indicated by `padding`. If `padding`\nis zero, then columns may run up against each other without any\nseparation.",0,null],[11,"unwrap","","Returns the underlying writer. Note that `flush` must be called before\nunwrapping or else data will likely be lost.",0,null],[11,"write","","",0,null],[11,"flush","","",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"TabWriter"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);