Crate system_proxy

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Lookup HTTP proxies in various ways.

Available proxy lookup methods

  • env::EnvProxies looks up HTTP proxies in the wide-spread $http_proxy and related environment variables. It aims to be compatible to the well-known curl utility.
  • unix::GioProxyResolver asynchronously looks up HTTP proxies through Gio and Glib, i.e. the foundational library of the Gnome desktop environment. It links against the Glib library, but in turn supports dynamic proxy configuration, i.e. proxy configuration which changes while the process is running, and proxy auto-configuration. This requires the gio feature.
  • unix::FreedesktopPortalProxyResolver asynchronously looks up HTTP proxies through the Freedesktop Portal proxy resolver over DBus. The exact features supported by this resolver depend on the portal implementation; for Gnome at least the portal has the same set of features as the Gio resolver. This resolver does not link against any native libraries, but in turn requires the zbus crate for DBus support, and a running portal implementation at runtime.

Operating system support


Use either unix::GioProxyResolver or unix::FreedesktopPortalProxyResolver to access system proxy settings.


Windows support is planned, see


MacOS support may come at some point, see


  • Resolve proxies via environment variables.
  • Provide proxy resolvers for Unix systems.