initSidebarItems({"fn":[["compute_id_range_for_fn_body","Computes the id range for a single fn body, ignoring nested items."],["ident_to_pat",""],["ident_to_path",""],["impl_pretty_name","Generate a \"pretty\" name for an `impl` from its type and trait. This is designed so that symbols of `impl`'d methods give some hint of where they came from, (previously they would all just be listed as `__extensions__::method_name::hash`, with no indication of the type)."],["is_path",""],["pat_is_ident","Returns true if the given pattern consists solely of an identifier and false otherwise."],["path_name_eq",""],["path_name_i",""],["path_to_ident",""],["segments_name_eq",""],["struct_field_visibility",""]],"struct":[["IdRange",""],["IdRangeComputingVisitor",""],["IdVisitor","A visitor that applies its operation to all of the node IDs in a visitable thing."]],"trait":[["IdVisitingOperation",""]]});