Crate symbiosis_api

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A high-level binding for Symbiosis API, written in Rust.

Symbiosis API allows you to integrate the functionalities of the Symbiosis Protocol into your application, platform or protocol.

By integrating the Symbiosis API, you can quickly and effectively enable decentralized cross-chain swaps and cross-chain liquidity management for your users.

This crate uses the reqwest crate for a convenient, higher-level HTTP Client, for request and response, to and from Symbiosis, and serde for serialize and deserialize from and to appropriate data format.


Let’s start out swapping from ETH on Ethereum to MNT on Mantle network.

use ethers_core::types::Chain;
use ethers_core::utils::parse_ether;
use symbiosis_api::cores::query::Query;
use symbiosis_api::{
    types::token::{Token, TokenAmount},

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    // Create the client.
    let client = Symbiosis::new("");

    // Create a simple endpoint.
    let eth = Token::builder().build()?;
    let mnt = Token::builder().chain_id(Chain::Mantle).build()?;
    let token_amount_in = TokenAmount::builder()
    let endpoint = swapping::SwappingExactIn::builder()

    // Call the endpoint. The return type decides how to represent the value.
    let swapping: SwapResponse = endpoint.query(&client).await?;

    println!("{:?}", swapping);


For more examples, take a look at the examples/ directory.

This crate design based on


  • API module, contains list of API supported by Symbiosis.
  • Core module, contains some helpful generic traits for endpoint and request.
  • Symbiosis client module, contains information about symbiosis connection.
  • Types module, contains some helpers type associated with the data Symbiosis provided.