[][src]Macro syllogism::define_compatibility

macro_rules! define_compatibility {
        ($trait_head:ident, $macro_head:ident),
        $(($trait_tail:ident, $macro_tail:ident),)*
    ) => { ... };
        ($(($trait_head:ident, $macro_head:ident),)*)
        @($trait_current:ident, $macro_current:ident)
    ) => { ... };
        ($(($trait_head:ident, $macro_head:ident),)*)
        @($trait_current:ident, $macro_current:ident)
            ($trait_next:ident, $macro_next:ident),  // First pair of the tail.
            $(($trait_tail:ident, $macro_tail:ident),)*
    ) => { ... };

A macro to define traits and other macros that help to implement IsNot and Specialize across crates.

The macro expects the dollar symbol (for technical reasons), followed by a comma-separated list of (trait, macro) pairs. Note that the trailing comma after the last pair is mandatory. The macro expands to definitions of these traits and macros.


    (NotInCrate1, macro_for_crate1),
    (NotInCrate2, macro_for_crate2),
    (NotInCrate3, macro_for_crate3),

This expands to the following:

trait NotInCrate1 {}
trait NotInCrate2 {}
trait NotInCrate3 {}
macro_rules! macro_for_crate1 {
    // See below for more information.
macro_rules! macro_for_crate2 {
    // See below for more information.
macro_rules! macro_for_crate3 {
    // See below for more information.

The generated macros can in turn be used in the following way:

struct MyStruct {
    // ...

struct MyGenericStruct<T> {
    // ...

macro_for_crate1!(impl trait for MyStruct {});
macro_for_crate1!(impl<T> trait for MyGenericStruct<T> {});

This expands to the following:

impl NotInCrate2 for MyStruct {}
impl NotInCrate3 for MyStruct {}

impl<T> NotInCrate2 for MyGenericStruct<T> {}
impl<T> NotInCrate3 for MyGenericStruct<T> {}