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The sycamore prelude.

In most cases, it is idiomatic to use a glob import (aka wildcard import) at the beginning of your Rust source file.

use sycamore::prelude::*;


pub use crate::flow::*;
pub use crate::reactive::*;


Like view! but only creates a single raw node instead.
A macro for ergonomically creating complex UI structures.


A special property type to allow the component to accept children.
Rendering backend for the DOM.
Rendering backend for the DOM with hydration support.
A reference to a GenericNode. This allows imperatively accessing the node.
Rendering backend for Server Side Rendering, aka. SSR.
Represents an UI view. Usually constructed using the view! macro or using the builder API.


Abstraction over a rendering backend.
Trait that is implemented by all GenericNode backends that render to HTML.


Create a new NodeRef on the current Scope.
Queue up a callback to be executed when the component is mounted.

Attribute Macros

A macro for creating components from functions.

Derive Macros

The derive macro for Prop. The macro creates a builder-like API used in the view! macro.