Crate sycamore[][src]

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Sycamore API Documentation

Sycamore is a VDOM-less web library with fine-grained reactivity.

This is the API docs for sycamore. If you are looking for the usage docs, checkout the Sycamore Book.


  • dom (default) - Enables rendering templates to DOM nodes. Only useful on wasm32-unknown-unknown target.
  • ssr - Enables rendering templates to static strings (useful for Server Side Rendering / Pre-rendering).
  • serde - Enables serializing and deserializing Signals and other wrapper types using serde.


pub use crate::generic_node::hydrate;
pub use crate::generic_node::hydrate_to;
pub use crate::generic_node::render;
pub use crate::generic_node::render_to;
pub use crate::generic_node::DomNode;
pub use crate::generic_node::render_to_string;
pub use crate::generic_node::SsrNode;


The definition for the Component trait.

Easing functions.

Iteration utility components for template.

Abstraction over a rendering backend.

Definition of cloned! macro. Proc-macros are defined in the separate sycamore-macro crate.

References to nodes in templates.

The sycamore prelude.

Reactive primitives for Sycamore.

Result of the template macro.

Internal utilities for Sycamore.


Utility macro for cloning all the arguments and expanding the expression.

A macro for ergonomically creating complex UI structures.

Attribute Macros

A macro for creating components from functions.