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Reactive primitives for Sycamore.


A ScopeRef that is bounded by the 'bound lifetime. This is used to bypass restrictions on HRTBs (Higher Ranked Trait Bounds) so that 'a can be higher ranked while still be bounded by the 'bound lifetime.

A signal that is not bound to a Scope.

A read-only Signal.

A reactive scope.

A handle that allows cleaning up a Scope.

Reactive state that can be updated and subscribed to.

A struct for managing subscriptions to signals.


A trait that is implemented for all ReadSignals regardless of the type parameter.


Create a new RcSignal with the specified initial value.

Creates a reactive scope.

Creates a reactive scope, runs the callback, and disposes the scope immediately.

A helper function for making it explicit to define dependencies for an effect.

Run the passed closure inside an untracked dependency scope.

Type Definitions

A reference to a Scope.