Expand description

This module contains enums representing fields of each types


This enum represents fields of AbsoluteColorBaseField
This enum represents fields of AlphaValueField
This enum represents fields of AnPlusBField
This enum represents fields of AnPlusBNotationField
This enum represents fields of AngleField
This enum represents fields of AtRuleField
This enum represents fields of AtRuleNameField
This enum represents fields of AtRulePreludeField
This enum represents fields of AttributeSelectorField
This enum represents fields of CalcOperatorField
This enum represents fields of CalcProductField
This enum represents fields of CalcSumField
This enum represents fields of CalcValueField
This enum represents fields of ClassSelectorField
This enum represents fields of CmykComponentField
This enum represents fields of ColorField
This enum represents fields of ColorProfileNameField
This enum represents fields of CombinatorField
This enum represents fields of ComplexSelectorField
This enum represents fields of ComponentValueField
This enum represents fields of CompoundSelectorField
This enum represents fields of ContainerConditionField
This enum represents fields of ContainerNameField
This enum represents fields of ContainerQueryAndField
This enum represents fields of ContainerQueryField
This enum represents fields of ContainerQueryNotField
This enum represents fields of ContainerQueryOrField
This enum represents fields of ContainerQueryTypeField
This enum represents fields of CustomIdentField
This enum represents fields of CustomPropertyNameField
This enum represents fields of DashedIdentField
This enum represents fields of DeclarationField
This enum represents fields of DeclarationNameField
This enum represents fields of DelimiterField
This enum represents fields of DimensionField
This enum represents fields of DocumentPreludeField
This enum represents fields of FamilyNameField
This enum represents fields of FlexField
This enum represents fields of FrequencyField
This enum represents fields of FunctionField
This enum represents fields of GeneralEnclosedField
This enum represents fields of HexColorField
This enum represents fields of HueField
This enum represents fields of IdSelectorField
This enum represents fields of IdentField
This enum represents fields of ImportPreludeField
This enum represents fields of ImportPreludeHrefField
This enum represents fields of ImportantFlagField
This enum represents fields of IntegerField
This enum represents fields of KeyframeBlockField
This enum represents fields of KeyframeSelectorField
This enum represents fields of KeyframesNameField
This enum represents fields of LayerNameField
This enum represents fields of LayerNameListField
This enum represents fields of LayerPreludeField
This enum represents fields of LengthField
This enum represents fields of MediaAndField
This enum represents fields of MediaConditionField
This enum represents fields of MediaConditionTypeField
This enum represents fields of MediaFeatureField
This enum represents fields of MediaFeatureNameField
This enum represents fields of MediaFeaturePlainField
This enum represents fields of MediaFeatureRangeField
This enum represents fields of MediaFeatureValueField
This enum represents fields of MediaInParensField
This enum represents fields of MediaNotField
This enum represents fields of MediaOrField
This enum represents fields of MediaQueryField
This enum represents fields of MediaQueryListField
This enum represents fields of MediaTypeField
This enum represents fields of NamespacePreludeField
This enum represents fields of NestingSelectorField
This enum represents fields of NsPrefixField
This enum represents fields of NumberField
This enum represents fields of PageSelectorField
This enum represents fields of PageSelectorListField
This enum represents fields of PageSelectorPseudoField
This enum represents fields of PageSelectorTypeField
This enum represents fields of PercentageField
This enum represents fields of QualifiedRuleField
This enum represents fields of QueryInParensField
This enum represents fields of RatioField
This enum represents fields of RelativeSelectorField
This enum represents fields of ResolutionField
This enum represents fields of RuleField
This enum represents fields of SelectorListField
This enum represents fields of SimpleBlockField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeatureBooleanField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeatureField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeatureNameField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeaturePlainField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeatureRangeField
This enum represents fields of SizeFeatureValueField
This enum represents fields of StrField
This enum represents fields of StyleBlockField
This enum represents fields of StylesheetField
This enum represents fields of SubclassSelectorField
This enum represents fields of SupportsAndField
This enum represents fields of SupportsConditionField
This enum represents fields of SupportsFeatureField
This enum represents fields of SupportsInParensField
This enum represents fields of SupportsNotField
This enum represents fields of SupportsOrField
This enum represents fields of TagNameSelectorField
This enum represents fields of TimeField
This enum represents fields of TokenAndSpanField
This enum represents fields of TokensField
This enum represents fields of TypeSelectorField
This enum represents fields of UnicodeRangeField
This enum represents fields of UniversalSelectorField
This enum represents fields of UnknownDimensionField
This enum represents fields of UrlField
This enum represents fields of UrlModifierField
This enum represents fields of UrlValueField
This enum represents fields of UrlValueRawField
This enum represents fields of WqNameField