Crate swarm_pool[][src]

Expand description

An object pooling system optimized for perfomance.

The pooling system manages object instances of a cutom type, and provides update loops to iterate over them.

In order to create a new swarm pool, you need to define what your pool object and swarm properties types are going to look like. Your pool object must at leas implement the Default and Clone traits from the standard library. The swarm properties, on the other hand, does not depend on any traits.

Basic swarm setup example

extern crate swarm_pool;
use swarm_pool::Swarm;
// create an object you want to pool
#[derive(Default, Clone)]     
pub struct MyPoolObject { 
    pub name: &'static str,
    pub value: usize,               
// create properties you want to share with pooled objects
pub struct MySwarmProperties;
fn main() {
    let swarm = Swarm::<MyPoolObject, MySwarmProperties>::new(10, MySwarmProperties);
    assert!(swarm.capacity() == 10);

The swarm is now ready to be used. First of all we need to Spawn new pool instances. In reality all objects in the pool are allready created and are waiting to be used. This means that all objects ( from 0 up to, but not including, the maximum capacity) can be accessed through the fetch() methode. The difference between spawned and non-spawned pool objects is that spawned object are included in all of the Swarm pools iterator methodes and non-spawned object are not.

Spawning and looping

let mut swarm = Swarm::<MyPoolObject, _>::new(10, ());
let spawn1 = swarm.spawn().unwrap();
let spawn2 = swarm.spawn().unwrap();
assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&spawn1).value, 0);
assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&spawn2).value, 0);

swarm.for_each(|obj| {
    obj.value = 42;

assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&spawn1).value, 42);
assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&spawn2).value, 42);

The real power of this library is not just looping through a few object instances, it is controlling and cross referencing them. There are 2 powerful methodes that can be used to do so: Swarm.for_all() and Swarm.update(). Both have their advantages and disadvantages, for_all loop is fast (equal to a standard vec for loop) but cannot spawn nor kill pool objects, update is easy to use, gives full control, but is slow (less than half the speed).

Cross referencing using for_all & update

// change properties to contain references to our spawned pool objects
pub struct MySwarmProperties { 
    john: Option<Spawn>, 
    cristy: Option<Spawn>,

let properties = MySwarmProperties { john: None, cristy: None };
let mut swarm = Swarm::<MyPoolObject, MySwarmProperties>::new(10, properties);
let s_john = swarm.spawn().unwrap();
let s_cristy = swarm.spawn().unwrap(); = Some(s_john.mirror()); = Some(s_cristy.mirror());

swarm.fetch(&s_john).name = "John";
swarm.fetch(&s_cristy).name = "Cristy";

swarm.for_all(|target, pool, properties| {

    // john tells critsy to have a value of 2
    if pool[*target].name == "John" { 
        if let Some(cristy) = &properties.cristy {
            pool[cristy.pos()].value = 2; 
    // cristy tells john to have a value of 1
    if pool[*target].name == "Cristy" { 
        if let Some(john) = &properties.john {
            pool[john.pos()].value = 1; 

assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&s_john).value, 1);
assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&s_cristy).value, 2);

swarm.update(|ctl| {
    let name =;
    let cristy =;
    let john =;

    // john tells critsy to have a value of 4
    if name == "John" { 
        ctl.fetch(&cristy).value = 4; 
    // cristy tells john to have a value of 5
    if name == "Cristy" { 
        ctl.fetch(&john).value = 5; 

assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&s_john).value, 5);
assert_eq!(swarm.fetch_ref(&s_cristy).value, 4);

There are many more functionalities included in the Swarm and SwarmControl types. The documentation on the examples above or other functionalities this library provides are more in depth and should be read, for writing them out was a lot of work ;)


pub use types::*;


Controling the swarm inside its own swarm.update() loop

Types used by the Swarm pool.


The actual Swarm pool