Available on crate features write and std only.
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Buffer implementations to be used with Write::write_vectored.

WriteVectoredArrayBuffer and WriteVectoredVecBuffer allows buffering a slice of IoSlice, saving the cost of dequeuing io-slices one by one to collect them after. (Internally, two buffers are used: one of the values, and one for the io-slices)


// Creates a WriteVectoredVecBuffer queue
let queue: Queue<WriteVectoredVecBuffer<Vec<u8>>> = Queue::with_capacity(100);
queue.try_enqueue([vec![0; 256]]).unwrap();
queue.try_enqueue([vec![42; 42]]).unwrap();
let mut total_size = 0u16.to_be_bytes();
let mut slice = queue.try_dequeue().unwrap();
// Adds a header with the total size of the slices
total_size.copy_from_slice(&(slice.total_size() as u16).to_be_bytes());
let mut frame = slice.frame(.., Some(&total_size), None);
// Let's pretend we have a writer
let mut writer: Vec<u8> = Default::default();
assert_eq!(writer.write_vectored(&mut frame).unwrap(), 300);
