Module s4lib::data

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The data module is specialized data containers for Blocks, Lines, Syslines, FixedStruct, Evtx, and JournalEntrys.

§Definitions of data


A Sysline is composed of several specialized structs.


A “block” is a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file that:

  • have the same length as other blocks in the file, except for the last block which has an equal or lesser length.

A “block” is represented by a Block and retrieved by a BlockReader.


A “line” is sequence of bytes residing on “blocks” that:

  • begin after a prior “line” or the beginning of a file.
  • end with a newline character '\n' or the end of a file.

A “line” is represented by a Line and found by a LineReader.


A “sysline” is sequence of “lines” that:

  • have a datetime stamp on the first “line”.
  • have a datetime stamp format similar to other “sysline“s in the same file.

A “sysline” is represented by a Sysline and found by a SyslineReader.

A Sysline represents a “log message”.

It is not necessarily referring to an RFC 5424 compliant log message.


A “syslog” is a file that:

A “syslog” is processed by a SyslogProcessor.

In this project and source code, “syslog” is used loosely; it is not necessarily referring to an RFC 5424 compliant log file.


A FixedStruct is information about a processed acct, lastlog, lastlogx, utmp, or utmpx record-keeping C struct. It is processed by a FixedStructReader. It uses an underlying BlockReader to read from the file.

A FixedStruct entry represents a “log message”.


A Evtx is information about a processed evtx structure processed from a file. It is processed by a EvtxReader.

An Evtx represents a “log message”.


A JournalEntry is information about a processed systemd journal entry. It is processed by a JournalReader.

A JournalEntry represents a “log message”.

The “Readers” are not rust “Readers”; “Reader” structs do not implement the trait Read. These are “readers” in an informal sense.

Also see Overview of readers.
