Expand description

A module for performing noise estimation on FHE programs.


A model for tracking noise growth using derivations of the canonical embedding norm of ciphertexts’ randomness as an upper bound.
A “model” that tracks noise growth in an FHE program just running it, measuring the noise of the output ciphertexts.


How the MeasuredModel should create ciphertexts for each input to the FHE program.


The maximum noise SEAL can introduce into a ciphertext during encryption.
The number of standard deviations for which SEAL can choose noise.
The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise introduced when encrypting ciphertexts.


A model for predicting noise growth in an FHE program.


Creates a ciphertext with a noise level according to the given TargetNoiseLevel specification.
Calculates the invariant noise from the given invariant noise budget.
Calculates the invariant noise budget from the given invariant noise.
Returns the predicted noise levels in output ciphertexts for the given FheProgram.