Module sunk::search

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Methods and containers for searching and search results.

The Subsonic API works on the concept of paging, something not uncommon in RESTful APIs. A search will return a number of results up to a specification. The client then has a virtual “page” number they will send, to offset a search by a multiple of the return number.


Suppose a Subsonic server has 50 albums stored on it.

extern crate sunk;
use sunk::{Album, Client, ListType};
use sunk::search::{self, SearchPage};

let client = Client::new(site, username, password)?;
let mut page = SearchPage::new();
let list = ListType::default();

let results = Album::list(&client, list, page, 0)?;
assert_eq!(results.len(), 20);

How do we get the remaining 30 songs from the server? By paging.;
let more_results = Album::list(&client, list, page, 0)?;
assert_eq!(more_results.len(), 20);;
let last_results = Album::list(&client, list, page, 0)?;
assert_eq!(last_results.len(), 10);

Notice that the last set of results only returns up to the count in the SearchPage.

Of course, if we knew beforehand how many results there would be, we could request exactly fifty albums.

let exact = SearchPage::new().with_size(50);
let exact_results = Album::list(&client, list, exact, 0)?;
assert_eq!(exact_results.len(), 50);

However, if we didn’t, there’s a convinent constant in place to return up to 500 results. This is set at 500 because most Subsonic functions only accept up to returning 500 results. It’s still possible to page through results if you have to.

let all = search::ALL;
let all_results = Album::list(&client, list, all, 0)?;
assert_eq!(all_results.len(), 50);


A holding struct for a search configuration.
A holder struct for a search result.


The maximum number of results most searches will accept.
Effectively makes a search ignore the field.