initSidebarItems({"macro":[["impl_stack_only_space_usage!",""]],"mod":[["bit_vector","Bit vector interfaces and implementations."],["coding","Codes used for data compression."],["int_vector","Bit-packed vectors of *k*-bit unsigned integers."],["rank","Support for fast rank queries."],["select","Support for fast select queries."],["storage","Traits for describing how bits and arrays of bits are stored."],["stream","Bit-oriented streams for coding."]],"struct":[["BinSearchSelect","Performs a select query by binary searching rank queries."],["BitVec","A bit vector implementation."],["IntVec","A vector of *k*-bit unsigned integers, where *k* is determined at run time."],["JacobsonRank","Add-on to `Bits` to support fast rank queries."]],"trait":[["BitVector","Interface for full bit vector operations."],["Bits","Interface for read-only bit vector operations."],["BitsMut","Interface for mutable bit vector operations that don’t affect the length."],["IntVector","Types that can be accessed as immutable arrays of integers of limited width."],["IntVectorMut","Types that can be accessed as mutable arrays of integers of limited width."],["SpaceUsage","Types that know how to compute their space usage."]]});