Module subxt::tx

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Create and submit extrinsics.

An extrinsic is submitted with an “signed extra” and “additional” parameters, which can be different for each chain. The trait crate::config::ExtrinsicParams determines exactly which additional and signed extra parameters are used when constructing an extrinsic, and is a part of the chain configuration (see crate::config::Config).


This represents a dynamically generated transaction payload.
A Signer implementation that can be constructed from an sp_core::Pair.
This represents a statically generated transaction payload.
This represents an extrinsic that has been signed and is ready to submit.
A client for working with transactions.
This struct represents a transaction that has made it into a block.
This struct represents a subscription to the progress of some transaction.


Possible transaction statuses returned from our TxProgress::next_item() call.


Signing transactions requires a Signer. This is responsible for providing the “from” account that the transaction is being signed by, as well as actually signing a SCALE encoded payload.
This represents a transaction payload that can be submitted to a node.


Construct a new dynamic transaction payload to submit to a node.