Crate subtr_actor

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subtr-actor is a versatile library designed to facilitate the processes of working with and extracting data from Rocket League replays. Utilizing the powerful boxcars library for parsing, subtr-actor simplifies (or ‘subtracts’, as hinted by its name) the underlying actor-based structure of replay files, making them more accessible and easier to manipulate.

Overview of Key Components

  • ReplayProcessor: This struct is at the heart of subtr-actor’s replay processing capabilities. In its main entry point, ReplayProcessor::process, it pushes network frames from the boxcars::Replay that it is initialized with though an ActorStateModeler instance, calling the Collector instance that is provided as an argument as it does so. The Collector is provided with a reference to the ReplayProcessor each time the it is invoked, which allows it to use the suite of helper methods which greatly assist in the navigation of the actor graph and the retrieval of information about the current game state.

  • Collector: This trait outlines the blueprint for data collection from replays. The Collector interfaces with a ReplayProcessor, handling frame data and guiding the pace of replay progression with TimeAdvance. It is typically invoked repeatedly through the ReplayProcessor::process method as the replay is processed frame by frame.

  • FrameRateDecorator: This struct decorates a Collector implementation with a target frame duration, controlling the frame rate of the replay processing.

Collector implementations

subtr-actor also includes implementations of the Collector trait:


Getting JSON

fn get_json(filepath: std::path::PathBuf) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
    let data = std::fs::read(filepath.as_path())?;
    let replay = boxcars::ParserBuilder::new(&data)
        .map_err(|e| e.variant)?

Getting a ::ndarray::Array2

In the following example, we demonstrate how to use boxcars, NDArrayCollector and FrameRateDecorator to write a function that takes a replay filepath and collections of features adders and returns a ReplayMetaWithHeaders along with a ::ndarray::Array2 . The resulting ::ndarray::Array2 would be appropriate for use in a machine learning context. Note that ReplayProcessor is also used implicitly here in the Collector::process_replay

use subtr_actor::*;

fn get_ndarray_with_info_from_replay_filepath(
    filepath: std::path::PathBuf,
    feature_adders: FeatureAdders<f32>,
    player_feature_adders: PlayerFeatureAdders<f32>,
    fps: Option<f32>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(ReplayMetaWithHeaders, ::ndarray::Array2<f32>)> {
    let data = std::fs::read(filepath.as_path())?;
    let replay = boxcars::ParserBuilder::new(&data)

    let mut collector = NDArrayCollector::new(feature_adders, player_feature_adders);

    FrameRateDecorator::new_from_fps(fps.unwrap_or(10.0), &mut collector)
        .map_err(|e| e.variant)?;

    Ok(collector.get_meta_and_ndarray().map_err(|e| e.variant)?)

fn get_ndarray_with_default_feature_adders(
    filepath: std::path::PathBuf,
) -> anyhow::Result<(ReplayMetaWithHeaders, ::ndarray::Array2<f32>)> {

Using NDArrayCollector::from_strings

In the second function in the example above, we see the use of feature adders like InterpolatedPlayerRigidBodyNoVelocities. The feature adders that are included with subtr_actor can all be found in the crate::collector::ndarray module. It is also possible to access these feature adders by name with strings, which can be useful when implementing bindings for other languages since those languages may not be able to access rust structs an instantiate them easily or at all.

pub static DEFAULT_GLOBAL_FEATURE_ADDERS: [&str; 1] = ["BallRigidBody"];

pub static DEFAULT_PLAYER_FEATURE_ADDERS: [&str; 3] =
    ["PlayerRigidBody", "PlayerBoost", "PlayerAnyJump"];

fn build_ndarray_collector(
    global_feature_adders: Option<Vec<String>>,
    player_feature_adders: Option<Vec<String>>,
) -> subtr_actor::SubtrActorResult<subtr_actor::NDArrayCollector<f32>> {
    let global_feature_adders = global_feature_adders.unwrap_or_else(|| {
            .map(|i| i.to_string())
    let player_feature_adders = player_feature_adders.unwrap_or_else(|| {
            .map(|i| i.to_string())
    let global_feature_adders: Vec<&str> = global_feature_adders.iter().map(|s| &s[..]).collect();
    let player_feature_adders: Vec<&str> = player_feature_adders.iter().map(|s| &s[..]).collect();




  • This macro creates a global FeatureAdder struct and implements the necessary traits to add the calculated features to the data matrix. The macro exports a struct with the same name as passed in the parameter. The number of column names and the length of the feature array returned by $prop_getter are checked at compile time to ensure they match, in line with the LengthCheckedFeatureAdder trait. The output struct also provides an implementation of the FeatureAdder trait via the impl_feature_adder! macro, allowing it to be used in contexts where a FeatureAdder object is required.
  • This macro creates a player feature adder struct and implements the necessary traits to add the calculated player-specific features to the data matrix. The macro exports a struct with the same name as passed in the parameter. The number of column names and the length of the feature array returned by $prop_getter are checked at compile time to ensure they match, in line with the LengthCheckedPlayerFeatureAdder trait. The output struct also provides an implementation of the PlayerFeatureAdder trait via the impl_player_feature_adder! macro, allowing it to be used in contexts where a PlayerFeatureAdder object is required.
  • A macro that tries to convert each provided item into a type. If any of the conversions fail, it short-circuits and returns the error.
  • A convenience macro that uses the convert_all macro with the convert_float_conversion_error function for error handling.
  • This macro is used to implement necessary traits for an existing struct to add the calculated features to the data matrix. This macro is particularly useful when the feature adder needs to be instantiated with specific parameters. The number of column names and the length of the feature array returned by $prop_getter are checked at compile time to ensure they match.
  • A macro to provide an automatic implementation of the FeatureAdder trait for types that implement LengthCheckedFeatureAdder. This allows you to take advantage of the compile-time guarantees provided by LengthCheckedFeatureAdder, while still being able to use your type in contexts that require a FeatureAdder object. This macro is used to bridge the gap between the two traits, as Rust’s type system does not currently provide a way to prove to the compiler that there will always be exactly one implementation of LengthCheckedFeatureAdder for each type.
  • A macro to provide an automatic implementation of the PlayerFeatureAdder trait for types that implement LengthCheckedPlayerFeatureAdder. This allows you to take advantage of the compile-time guarantees provided by LengthCheckedPlayerFeatureAdder, while still being able to use your type in contexts that require a PlayerFeatureAdder object. This macro is used to bridge the gap between the two traits, as Rust’s type system does not currently provide a way to prove to the compiler that there will always be exactly one implementation of LengthCheckedPlayerFeatureAdder for each type.
  • This macro is used to implement necessary traits for an existing struct to add the calculated player-specific features to the data matrix. This macro is particularly useful when the feature adder needs to be instantiated with specific parameters. The number of column names and the length of the feature array returned by $prop_getter are checked at compile time to ensure they match.