[][src]Attribute Macro substrate_subxt_proc_macro::module


Register type sizes for EventsDecoder and set the MODULE.

The module macro registers the type sizes of the associated types of a trait so that EventsDecoder can decode events of that type when received from Substrate. It also sets the MODULE constant to the name of the trait (must match the name of the Substrate pallet) that enables the Call, Event and Store macros to work.

If you do not want an associated type to be registered, likely because you never expect it as part of a response payload to be decoded, use #[module(ignore)] on the type.


This example is not tested
pub trait Herd: Husbandry {
    type Hooves: HoofCounter;
    type Wool: WoollyAnimal;
    type Digestion: EnergyProducer + std::fmt::Debug;

The above will produce the following code:

This example is not tested
pub trait Herd: Husbandry {
    type Hooves: HoofCounter;
    type Wool: WoollyAnimal;
    type Digestion: EnergyProducer + std::fmt::Debug;

const MODULE: &str = "Herd";

// `EventsDecoder` extension trait.
pub trait HerdEventsDecoder {
    // Registers this modules types.
    fn with_herd(&mut self);

impl<T: Herd> HerdEventsDecoder for
    fn with_herd(&mut self) {

The following type sizes are registered by default: bool, u8, u32, AccountId, AccountIndex, AuthorityId, AuthorityIndex, AuthorityWeight, BlockNumber, DispatchInfo, Hash, Kind, MemberCount, PhantomData, PropIndex, ProposalIndex, ReferendumIndex, SessionIndex, VoteThreshold