Macro sol_interface

sol_interface!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Facilitates calls to other contracts.

This macro defines a struct for each of the Solidity interfaces provided.

sol_interface! {
    interface IService {
        function makePayment(address user) external payable returns (string);
        function getConstant() external pure returns (bytes32);

    interface ITree {
        // other interface methods

The above will define IService and ITree for calling the methods of the two contracts.

For example, IService will have a make_payment method that accepts an Address and returns a B256.

Currently only functions are supported, and any other items in the interface will cause an error. Additionally, each function must be marked external. Inheritance is not supported.

use stylus_sdk::call::{Call, Error};
use alloy_primitives::Address;

pub fn do_call(account: IService, user: Address) -> Result<String, Error> {
    let config = Call::new()
        .gas(evm::gas_left() / 2)       // limit to half the gas left
        .value(msg::value());           // set the callvalue

    account.make_payment(config, user)  // note the snake case

Observe the casing change. sol_interface! computes the selector based on the exact name passed in, which should almost always be camelCase. For aesthetics, the rust functions will instead use snake_case.

Note that structs may be used, as return types for example. Trying to reference structs using the Solidity path separator (module.MyStruct) is supported and paths will be converted to Rust syntax (module::MyStruct).

§Reentrant calls

Contracts that opt into reentrancy via the reentrant feature flag require extra care. When enabled, cross-contract calls must flush or clear the StorageCache to safeguard state. This happens automatically via the type system.

sol_interface! {
    interface IMethods {
        function pureFoo() external pure;
        function viewFoo() external view;
        function writeFoo() external;
        function payableFoo() external payable;

#[entrypoint] #[storage] struct Contract {}
impl Contract {
    pub fn call_pure(&self, methods: IMethods) -> Result<(), Vec<u8>> {
        Ok(methods.pure_foo(self)?)    // `pure` methods might lie about not being `view`

    pub fn call_view(&self, methods: IMethods) -> Result<(), Vec<u8>> {

    pub fn call_write(&mut self, methods: IMethods) -> Result<(), Vec<u8>> {
        methods.view_foo(&mut *self)?;       // allows `pure` and `view` methods too

    pub fn call_payable(&mut self, methods: IMethods) -> Result<(), Vec<u8>> {
        methods.write_foo(Call::new_in(self))?;   // these are the same
        Ok(methods.payable_foo(self)?)            // ------------------

In the above, we’re able to pass &self and &mut self because Contract implements TopLevelStorage, which means that a reference to it entails access to the entirety of the contract’s state. This is the reason it is sound to make a call, since it ensures all cached values are invalidated and/or persisted to state at the right time.

When writing Stylus libraries, a type might not be TopLevelStorage and therefore &self or &mut self won’t work. Building a Call from a generic parameter is the usual solution.

use stylus_sdk::{call::{Call, Error}};
use stylus_sdk::stylus_core::storage::TopLevelStorage;
use alloy_primitives::Address;

pub fn do_call(
    storage: &mut impl TopLevelStorage,  // can be generic, but often just &mut self
    account: IService,                   // serializes as an Address
    user: Address,
) -> Result<String, Error> {

    let config = Call::new_in(storage)
        .gas(evm::gas_left() / 2)        // limit to half the gas left
        .value(msg::value());            // set the callvalue

    account.make_payment(config, user)   // note the snake case

Note that in the context of a #[public] call, the &mut impl argument will correctly distinguish the method as being write or payable. This means you can write library code that will work regardless of whether the reentrant feature flag is enabled.