macro_rules! writeln {
    ($dst:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Write attributed and formatted data into a buffer, with a newline appended.

On all platforms, the newline is the LINE FEED character (\n/U+000A) alone (no additional CARRIAGE RETURN (\r/U+000D).

For more information, see stylish::write!. For information on the format string syntax, see stylish.


let mut w = stylish::html(String::new());

stylish::writeln!(&mut w)?;
stylish::writeln!(&mut w, "test")?;
stylish::writeln!(&mut w, "formatted {:(fg=yellow)}", "arguments")?;

assert_eq!(w.finish()?, "\ntest\nformatted <span style=color:yellow>arguments</span>\n");