Attribute Macro stubr::mock

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Starts a Stubr mock server and creates a stubr variable which can be used to call the server e.g. stubr.uri(). It supports both standard and async test functions.


use asserhttp::*; // optional

#[stubr::mock] // <- takes stubs under crate's "tests/stubs" by default
#[should_panic] // <- if required place it after '#[stubr::mock]' to avoid unused warnings
fn simple_test() {

// also works for async functions
async fn async_test() {


// path to stub file (or directory) under crate's "tests/stubs"
#[stubr::mock("path/to/stubs")] // <- or "path/to/stubs/stub.json" for a single file
fn default() {}

// absolute path ; not appending to "tests/stubs"
#[stubr::mock(full_path = "tests/other/stubs")]
fn full_path() {}

// start on a dedicated port
#[stubr::mock(port = 1234)]
fn port() {}