Module struson::serde

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Available on crate feature serde only.
Expand description

Provides integration with Serde

This module provides optional integration with Serde by allowing Serialize types to be written to a JsonWriter and Deserialize types to be read from a JsonReader. It is intended for use cases where code is using a JsonWriter or JsonReader in the first place, to provide convenience methods to directly write or read a Serialize or Deserialize in the middle of the JSON document. For compatibility this module tries to match Serde JSON’s behavior, but there might be small differences.

This module is not intended as replacement for Serde JSON. That crate provides greater functionality when working with JSON in the context of Serde, and likely also offers better performance.

To enable this optional integration, specify the serde feature in your Cargo.toml file for the dependency on this crate:

struson = { version = "...", features = ["serde"] }

The most convenient way to use the Serde integration is by using JsonWriter::serialize_value and JsonReader::deserialize_next.
Alternatively JsonWriterSerializer and JsonReaderDeserializer can be used directly, but that is rarely necessary.

§Usage examples


// In this example JSON bytes are stored in a Vec;
// normally they would be written to a file or network connection
let mut writer = Vec::<u8>::new();
let mut json_writer = JsonStreamWriter::new(&mut writer);

// Start writing the enclosing data using the regular JsonWriter methods

struct MyStruct {
    text: String,
    number: u64,

let value = MyStruct {
    text: "some text".to_owned(),
    number: 5,
// Serialize the value as next JSON value

// Write the remainder of the enclosing data

// Ensures that the JSON document is complete and flushes the buffer

let json = String::from_utf8(writer)?;
    r#"{"outer":{"text":"some text","number":5}}"#


// In this example JSON data comes from a string;
// normally it would come from a file or a network connection
let json = r#"{"outer": {"text": "some text", "number": 5}}"#;
let mut json_reader = JsonStreamReader::new(json.as_bytes());

// Skip outer data using the regular JsonReader methods

#[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct MyStruct {
    text: String,
    number: u64,

let value: MyStruct = json_reader.deserialize_next()?;

// Skip the remainder of the JSON document

// Ensures that there is no trailing data

    MyStruct { text: "some text".to_owned(), number: 5 }

