[][src]Macro structural::FP

macro_rules! FP {
    ($ident:ident) => { ... };
    (0) => { ... };
    (1) => { ... };
    (2) => { ... };
    (3) => { ... };
    (4) => { ... };
    (5) => { ... };
    (6) => { ... };
    (7) => { ... };
    (8) => { ... };
    (9) => { ... };
    (_) => { ... };
    ($lit:literal) => { ... };
    ($($everything:tt)*) => { ... };

Constructs a field path type for use as a generic parameter.


This takes the same input as the fp macro, getting the type of that field path.

Struct Example

use structural::{GetField, StructuralExt, FP, fp, make_struct};

greet_entity(&make_struct!{ name: "Bob" }, &(99,999,999));

type Path_0 = FP!(0);

// Equivalent to `type Path_name = FP!(name);`,
// the `FP` and `fp` macros use string literals to emulate non-ascii identifiers.
type Path_name = FP!("name");

fn greet_entity<S, This, Tup>(entity:&This, tuple:&Tup)
    This: GetField<FP!(name), Ty = S>,
    Tup : GetField<Path_0, Ty = u64>,
    S: AsRef<str>,
    assert_eq!( entity.field_(fp!(name)).as_ref(), "Bob" );
    assert_eq!( entity.field_(Path_name::NEW).as_ref(), "Bob" );

    assert_eq!( tuple.field_(fp!(0)), &99 );
    assert_eq!( tuple.field_(Path_0::NEW), &99 );

Enum Example

use structural::{GetVariantField, Structural, StructuralExt, FP, TS};

assert_eq!( get_number(&Enum::Foo(10)), Some(10) );
assert_eq!( get_number(&Enum::Bar{value: 20}), Some(20) );

assert_eq!( get_number(&Other::Foo(30, "foo")), Some(30) );
assert_eq!( get_number(&Other::Bar{value: 40, uh: None}), Some(40) );
assert_eq!( get_number(&Other::Baz), None );

type Path_Foo_0 = FP!(::Foo.0);

// Equivalent to `type Path_name = FP!(::Bar.value);`,
// the `FP` and `fp` macros use string literals to emulate non-ascii identifiers.
type Path_Bar_value = FP!(::Bar."value");

fn get_number<This>(this: &This)->Option<u32>
    // The `*VariantField*` traits require that you pass a `TStr`,
    // using the `TS` macro or a type alias.
    This: GetVariantField<TS!(Foo), TS!(0), Ty = u32> +
          GetVariantField<TS!(Bar), TS!(value), Ty = u32>,

enum Enum{
    Bar{value: u32},

enum Other{
    Foo(u32, &'static str),
    Bar{value: u32, uh: Option<u32>},