Module strkey::ser[][src]



Most data types in the Serde data model are supported. The encoding consists of each encoded value separated by a deliminator (a colon : by default). Note that the encoding is not self-describing:

  • For unit type, it’s not considered a value and no encoding action happens.
  • For booleans, they are encoded as literals “true” or “false”.
  • For integers, they are encoded as fixed-width hexadecimal of their big-endian representations. Signed integers are preprocessed with some bit manipulation, as in the bytekey crate, so that negative numbers sort first.
  • For floating point numbers, they’re preprocessed with some bit manipulation, as in the bytekey crate, so that negative numbers sort first. Then encoded as hexadecimal.
  • For strings, no special encoding is done since they are already UTF-8 encoded.
  • For byte arrays (requires serde_bytes), they are encoded as hexadecimal.
  • For tuples, each encoded value is separated by the configured deliminator. Note that deliminator are emitted along values; the data structure itself doesn’t cause deliminators to be emitted.
  • For structs, the field names are not encoded. Only the values are encoded as it were a tuple. This can be useful for labeling each part of the database key without encoding the schema itself.
  • For enums with unit variants, only the name of the enum’s variant is encoded. The name of the enum itself is not encoded.
  • For option, maps, sequences, and enums with tuple or struct variants are not supported and return an error.



Serializer for encoding values into strkey encoding.



Serializes the given value to a vector.


Serializes the given value to the writer.